Friday, February 15, 2008

A better day for America

Yes we can! Yes, we can bring a better day to America
We were shocked by the news from nearby DeKalb, the senseless shooting of innocent students at Northern Illinois University. This is getting close to home and several friends are directly affected knowing the students who were shot, shot at or at NIU. This could have happened at UIC. Clearly this could happen anywhere. In the last week there have been several such shootings on campuses around the country. Gun violence is at an all time high. The current administration's politics of fear and aggression have to be a major contributing cause to this increase in gun related crime. While Bush is pushing the Congress to enact new legislation to further erode our civil liberties, the one liberty they will defend above all else is the right to bear arms. Right on, if everyone had a gun, the students in the auditorium could have pulled out their Smith and Wessons and blown that shooter off the stage. Oops, that was just tech support coming to adjust the podium. More violence, more guns, the NRA's credo. And Bush is in the pocket of the gun lobby. Take a away the guns!

A better day has got to come to America. Our war budget is breaking the bank. Since Bush has been President the economy has crashed, violence is up, Federal response to natural disasters has dwindled and the USA's standing in the world has gone from one of respect to revulsion. Yet the big important issues to the GOP remain anti-abortion, pro-Iraq war, tax cuts for the wealthy, supporting windfall profits for Big Oil, decreased funding for health and human services, and strong support of the NRA. Anti-environment to support exploitation of domestic resources-- the GOP continues to take a page right out of Ronald Reagan's book. Compassionate conservatism? Where is the compassion? Yet there is surely hope on the horizon. The ground swell of support for Barka Obama is exciting, encouraging and enlivining. Why do I support Barak Obama? When I hear him give those "big speeches" as Hillary calls them, I get goosebumps. No other candidate has ever excited me as much. Bill Clinton came close. In the very heighth of the impeachment debacle, his State of the Union address was absolutely stunning. A true statesman and marvelous orator. I was so dissapointed when Billary rolled out the negative campaign against Obama prior to the South Carolina primary. Since then Bill has been absent or when campaigning for Hillary, much more positive. With the nomination hanging by a thread, it could get ugly. Texas and Ohio may be the deciding states. Let's hope it doesn't come down to the super delegates or a brokered convention-- as exciting as that would be. We need party unity and we must be sure to win back the White House. A better day for America is all we can hope for.

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