The conservatives in the Supreme Court have had their day and voted 5-4 to overturn the DC ban on handguns, ruling it unconstitutional based on 2nd amendment rights. Within seconds the NRA began to sue every city in the country with handgun bans. The NRA will not be happy until the world we live in is the OK corral and any cross word or lost temper could be rewarded by a slug to the brain. Or until thousands, not just hundreds of innocents are killed by incidental gun fire. Or more little children get their daddy's gun from his bedside table and blow their heads off-- accidently. It's their right to do so, eh? 75% of the homicides in Chicago were committed with handguns despite the ban on handguns. Does that mean that the ban should be repealed? should we do nothing, just stand by and watch the senseless murder of all these people? Do you really think that arming everyone is going to decrease the numbers of people killed with guns? What an absurd notion. Its like pouring gasoline on the fire. Yeah, right, if guns are illegal, then only criminals will have guns, and you're gonna have to pry my cold dead finger of the trigger of my gun to get it away from me, and this house is protected by 357 magnum, and guns don't kill people, people kill people. and on and on. So does all of this mean we should do nothing? Handguns and assault weapons the necessary complement to every hunter's aresenal. Guns were made for one purpose and one purpose only. To kill. People have guns so they can kill people with them. sure, they may say they have them for protection. But that means they will kill someone with their gun to protect themselves. Oops, I didn't mean to kill him, I thought it was a burglar robbing my house, I didn't know it was my teenage son stealing a snack from the fridge late at night. But then maybe these gun nuts would think it OK to kill someone for such a serious crime.
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