May the Force be with us.
Change We Need. Ryder read the bold message on the thousands of signs being waved by the nearly delerious crowd of believers at the live Obama event at the conclusion of his 30 minute "infomercial" broadcast on all the networks in prime time (except ABC). He said that Obama is Yoda, speaks he like him. Yes, Ryder, right you are-- the knight of the good force, and may this force be with us all. When I think about what he evokes in me, I get goose bumps and tear of joy in my eyes. Change we need, indeed we do! My Goodness, there is so much tumult building to this incredible conclusion, the economy crashing, feeling for the bottom, the markets waiting to rebound with the affirmation of a new progressive administration. The desperate millions of Americans with out healthcare, facing eviction after foreclosure, in worse straights than any of us have faced since the Great Depression. It took a leader with great vision, tremendous resolve, and comforting equanimity to guide the country back and once again, we will call upon a man with the same qualities as FDR to help us help ourselves. The darkness must end. The failed policies of the last 8 years that have plunged us into a war with no end in sight and into economic catastrophe. We are no longer the trusted and most admired country in the world, instead, we are now regarded with disdain, disbelief and disgust. But it is not anti-Americanism, it is anti-Bushism. If the whole world could vote, Obama would be elected by a unamamous landslide. Unless the Republicans steal the election by preventing the majority of Americans from casting their vote or having their votes count-- Barack Obama will be elected as the next President of the United States.
The contrast between Obama and McCain is so stark it is hard to understand how anyone could be undecided. All that McCain inspires is anger. He inspires his supporters with hate and vitrol. Nothing positive, all hate. And Carabou Barbie whips her crowds of admiring supportores into a lynch mob hysteria. Their racism is barely concealed-- refering to Obama as "that one" or shushing his supporter who yelled that Obama was an Arab--no, no, he's not an Arab, "he's a decent family man." In other words-- Arabs and by extension, Muslims are not decent family men. And Barbie was celebrating the pro-America parts of the country. Hello? Isn't Illinois a part of America too? Nothing positive. All devicive, angry desperate attempts to sway the masses. But it is not going to work.
They are now replaying parts of the 30 minute Obama commericial. It was so impressive! Masterfully done hitting every of the issues straight on, with never mentioning his opponent or saying a single negative thing. And how does McCain respond-- a bolus of negative hateful attack ads. True to each of their forms. All McCain can say is bad things about Obama. Obama instead speaks of his vision with a true eloquence that inspires and lets us cling to our belief that we deserve the change he can bring. Change we need, yes! Change we can believe in, yes! Change we will deliver on November 4th-- please! I shudder to think of the response of the angry millions if somehow they perpertrate the greatest act of fraud in history-- it is the only way McCain could win because it is clear that the vast majority of Americans are hungry for the change that only Obama can bring. The skies would darken with the toxic smoke as the disinfanchised multitude strikes back. Riots worse than Watts 65, or Chicago in 68. No Way. We can't let them win. Come on, bring it on! I am heading to Indiana this weekend to help our hoosier allies deliver their state to Obama. They are so excited to sense that they can make a difference, that for once, their vote in Indiana will count.
Last weekend Ryder and I were camping in the heart of Indiana at Camp Tecumseh with the Y Indian Guides. As we drove through the tiny town of Brokston 10 miles off of I65 not far from Lafayette, we saw several houses boldy displaying Obama yard signs. There it was, a clear sign that Indianan is not the Republican stronghold the McCain campaign has been counting on. And maybe we can help the campaign deliver the state to the good guys. Indiana, Ohio, Florida, North Carolina, Colorado-- true blue afterall?