All aboard the Holiday Train!Clear, invigorating and cold-- but a wonderful ride this morning, 6:30 AM, 19 degrees, with my buddy Elissa. We both struggled through the getting dressed routine which nearly caused us to miss our connection. But we hooked up and breezed in. Easy. Into the not yet rising sun, the wind briskly blowing from the north, neither impeding nor delaying our eastward journey. My trick of putting sandwhich baggies over my toes in my riding shoes really has helped to keep my toes warm. The thumbs seem to suffer the most, regardless of the gloves. The rest of me verily boils under all those layers. Afraid to dress less, I suppose, since it is so cold getting out of bed and heading out the door, but once on the road and peddling , the heat from the core warms the whole being. Its those peripherals hanging out in the chill that let me know I'm alive! December 3rd and still riding. Three days last week in the first true taste of winter-- 20-30 degrees. Easy. The cold, the wind, the darkness-- no deterrent, yet. But the threat of snow and freezing rain, well, I balk at those obstacles. Riding the El, as it turns out has its advantages.
I felt remiss in not riding last Wednesday, believing the weatherman's forecast of snow and rain-- in fact it turned out to be the warmest day of the week, though the sun never did shine-- nor did it rain. I noted this as I trudged up Wood Street to the Medical Center stop, hoping to catch the 4:45 train so I could pick up Ryder at School and then celebrate his birthday. Alas, the 4:45 train never came. But then-- 4:54 and what do I see? The Holiday Train come straight at me. I'd seen the train many times from afar, all lit up and decorated with Santa Clause riding the middle flat car on his sleigh-- but I had never actually been on the holiday train before. Wow! What a delight. As I sat absorbing the totality of the decor, I felt giddy and excited, and couldn't stop smiling. The elves on each car handed out candy canes and a brochure listing the times and lines for the holiday express. The seats were upholstered in holiday themed material. The cars were fully decorated, candy striped poles, each of the advertising placards around the top were for Santa's elves, reindeer games, comet lanes, toy assemblers needed-- immediate openings. It was a trip! I noticed that everyone on the car was smiling and like me, whipping out their cell phones to take pictures. I checked the schedule and saw that 6:21 Friday the Holiday Train ran from Oak Park to the loop and my plan was hatched. So Friday, the three of us waited expectantly at the Harlem platform for the train. We waited as three other trains passed us by-- the first time I've ever skipped a train. Then it arrived in all its splendor and Ryder was as excited as me. We boarded the car and enjoyed the wonderful ambiance. This time, instead of surprised commuters, the train was filled with parents and their kids purposefully catching this ride. There was not a person who wasn't smiling. Everyone was happy! It was great! What a gift the city of Chicago and the CTA gave to us! We rode all the way to the loop to visit the Christkindlemarket at Daly Plaza. Under the Picaso there was a German themed outdoor Holiday market with many vendors selling ornaments or food. We cruised the stalls and bought some nick nacs, a few ornaments and then some food-- but when it came time to eat it was too cold to stand or sit outside and all the enclosures were packed with people, so we went underground to the El platform and ate our dinner while waiting for the train. There was an amazing busker with a fantastic voice serenading platform patrons, so we enjoyed the music and our food, despite the usual subway dour din. It was a most excellent start to the holidaze, and now, here it is December and the madness begins.